- Trauma: posttraumatic deformities, infections, mal- and non-unions; implant-failure, posttraumatic contractures
- Pelvis: acetabulum and pelvic fractures; mal- and non-unions
- Spine: anterior and posterior stabilisations with minimal-invasive techniques; kyphoplasty
- Sports: arthroscopic ACL, PCL and combined repair, high-tibial osteotomy, rotator-cuff, labrum refixation; shoulder stablilization
- Hand - Foot: replantations, microvascular free flap techniques, congenital and posttraumatic deformities, nerve transplantation, brachial plexus surgery
- Endoprosthesis: revision surgeries in hip, shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, periprosthetic fractures, implant failures, infections
- Telemedicine: our experience has enabled us to establish a worldwide telemedical consultation service covering all aspects of orthopaedic disorders